- Added an AllocString() wrapper function, as strdup() isn't standard C.
- Added support for the new MSDP tables and arrays.
- Added support for the new UNREPORT and RESET MSDP commands.
- Added a new REPORTED_VARIABLES list, as described in the latest MSDP spec.
- Renamed VARIABLES to SENDABLE_VARIABLES as described in the latest MDSP spec.
- Cleaned up the code, adding consts and fixing -ansi and -pedantic warnings.
- Added support for the new Mudlet GUI autoinstaller.
- Added an MCCP flag to make integration with the snippet easier.
- Updated CopyoverGet() and CopyoverSet() to include TTYPE, MCCP and CHARSET.
- Added an MSDPFlush() function for variables that need to be sent immediately.
- ProtocolOutput() now lets you send tabs.
- The snippet now recognises that DecafMUD supports 256 colours.
- Updated the TBA instructions with a fix for strfrmt().
- Updated the Merc, SMAUG and TBA instructions to use MSDP tables.
You can download it from here: http://www.godwars2.org/download/protocol.tgz
If you're already using the snippet, the README.TXT has some information about updating.
The generic plugin has also been updated: http://www.godwars2.org/download/Generic_Plugin.zip
The plugin doesn't handle fully nested data, but it does handle basic tables and arrays, as used in the installation instructions.