Sunday, 28 August 2011

GUI snippet version 3

There was a small update to the snippet on 13th June, to fix a cyclic TTYPE issue, add some extra MSSP variables, and add support for broken packets.  But this update (version 3) is somewhat bigger, primarily due to some changes that were made to the MSDP specification since the snippet was released:

  • Added an AllocString() wrapper function, as strdup() isn't standard C.
  • Added support for the new MSDP tables and arrays.
  • Added support for the new UNREPORT and RESET MSDP commands.
  • Added a new REPORTED_VARIABLES list, as described in the latest MSDP spec.
  • Renamed VARIABLES to SENDABLE_VARIABLES as described in the latest MDSP spec.
  • Cleaned up the code, adding consts and fixing -ansi and -pedantic warnings.
  • Added support for the new Mudlet GUI autoinstaller.
  • Added an MCCP flag to make integration with the snippet easier.
  • Updated CopyoverGet() and CopyoverSet() to include TTYPE, MCCP and CHARSET.
  • Added an MSDPFlush() function for variables that need to be sent immediately.
  • ProtocolOutput() now lets you send tabs.
  • The snippet now recognises that DecafMUD supports 256 colours.
  • Updated the TBA instructions with a fix for strfrmt().
  • Updated the Merc, SMAUG and TBA instructions to use MSDP tables.

You can download it from here:

If you're already using the snippet, the README.TXT has some information about updating.

The generic plugin has also been updated:

The plugin doesn't handle fully nested data, but it does handle basic tables and arrays, as used in the installation instructions.


  1. Offtopic: Hi Kavir, please have a look at (later comments) again.


  2. Thanks - although I don't use this technique in my snippet, I have considered it. I did also send you a message about this subject back in July on the Mudlet forums.
