Thursday, 11 November 2010

MUSHclient GUI: 11-Nov-2010

I've been aware for a while that the maps can look a bit tile-ish, because of the simple fact that they repeat the same tile over and over - but it looks particularly bad on the full map (as you can see on the previous screenshot).  Part of that was because I'd just halved the height and width of the normal tiles using Paint, so I got the mud to properly generate smaller tiles - however it still didn't look that great.

So I tried creating two of each tile set and alternating between them - it was better, but still not that good.  Randomising them was a bit better still, but looked wierd when you moved around, as the whole landscape seemed to shake.

In the end I settled on five of each tile set, with the plugin selecting one psuedo-randomly each time it draws a tile, and I think the maps look quite a lot better.

(click image to enlarge)

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