Monday, 1 November 2010

MUSHclient GUI: 16-Oct-2010

I decided to have a go at adding the mini avatars below the zoomed map, as I mentioned earlier.  I'm a bit short on space, but I can fit seven of them side-by-side (although if there are seven, the last one sticks out two pixels further than the map).  I was nearly able to fit in two rows, but not with the energy bars, and using the pie-shaped timer doesn't seem to fit.  Other options would be to remove the boot icon, or put the additional avatars beside it - but I can't think of a better place for the boot, and I'm thinking of adding more icons beside it anyway.

So it looks like I'll be limited to seven mini avatars.  But as it shows the seven closest things, that's probably okay - I don't generally have a lot of things in one place, and you could always click on the map to move closer (and thus change which avatars are displayed).  The only real exception would be in the starting village, where there are already seven buildings, and where players tend to pass through or sometimes even hang around.

You can click on the mini avatars to target the appropriate thing, but there's no other way to tell which is which.  One option might be to use a range of different colours for each dot on the map, and use the same colours for the energy bars - that would allow the user to distinguish between mobs at a glance.  But I wouldn't like it from a consistency perspective.

(click image to enlarge)

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