Monday, 1 November 2010

MUSHclient GUI: 29-Sep-2010

Alayla has provided a smaller set of spell affect icons (28x28 rather than the previous 32x32) and some 34x34 backgrounds for them.  Although this does mean that the affect icons are closer to each other than all the other icons, I still think it looks good - it acually makes them look more like a coherent block.

I'm considering reducing the size of the duration text, so it doesn't block too much of the spell images, but I'm worried about making it too small to's a difficult balance between cosmetics and functionality.

(click image to enlarge)

I've also been playing around with the size and position of the duration text on the spell icons:

Still undecided.  I quite like the bottom-right one (the four icons with the size 6 font in the bottom-left corner of each icon) from a stylistic perspective, as it doesn't hide much of the icon, but it really is small.

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